Wheat harvest is right around the corner. Therefore, it is really about to get busy around the farm.
Thankfully it has rained in the last week and we got some needed moisture for our corn and soybeans.
Yet, with the moisture we are still not done spraying and planting soybeans but we will not complain as rain is a tick more important!
AJ and Josh washed combines to get them clean again for this years harvest. Then, they cleaned out the cab and greased the circuits. Afterwards, they went through and check all the chains, belts and bolts. Needless to say they will be checking over every little part of each combine multiple times before harvest to make sure they got everything checked thoroughly.
Last week they worked on the headers to get ready to hopefully try to harvest some barley and wheat. They did get the barley harvested and attempted to do a wheat field but it was still too wet. Today, they are going out to try another field and see if it is ready to go.
This week's plan... harvest wheat, plant soybeans, spray the rest of the fields, harvest some more, plant some more, spray some more, oh and milk! You get the idea, it will be a very busy week needless to say.
Here are a few pictures of the combines being looked over and getting ready to go. Unfortunately, I still am in a bad habit of not having my camera with me so I take pictures on my phone and well my phone decided to see what water was like the other day. Therefore, I got a shiny new phone and I have not be able to recover my photos from my old phone, so I tried to take a few more of them.
Working on a header |
This is what it looks like under one of the covers |
This is the back end where the stalks come out |
Inside one the cab of one of our combines |
This is through the back glass of the cab, this is where the grain comes through an auger and is held until it is unloaded onto the grain cart |
The auger which the grain falls from after being harvested from the plant or cob |
Josh working on tightening some bolts on a header |
Until next time,