Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Blogs and Websites

For my second post, I thought I would share a little about myself and all the work I somehow get myself into. Well, if you read the about me section of this blog, it gives you a good general idea, but here is a few things I did not share.

I graduated from Kansas State University in December 2012 with a bachelor's degree in Agriculture. My major was Animal Sciences and I have a Meat Science Certificate.

I love Red & White Holstein Cattle. I currently only have 2, but I am slowly converting my dad to getting more! 
Annabel and I on a cold, rainy and very messy day before clean up.
We love each other!

My favorite color is BLUE!

Hubs and I have been married for a little over a year, it has been great so far and I look forward to many more! 
It was a beautiful, and not that hot of a day for August!

Lastly, since it is hunting season, Hubs got me into hunting and well I LOVE it! I wear too much camo these days...

Now, for all that stuff I said I get  myself into. Well I have spent the last two hours designing and setting up a website for our farm because we are starting to sell Westeel and Chief Grain Bins and other products. So, if you are interesting in a grain bin, I know just who to talk to! As for the website, it is still a work in progress and I will share the link later! Also, I need to be making a Facebook Page for the farm and spreading the love on social media. I have been trying to get some blog posts written too! 

Along with doing that, I have all that household chore stuff, a very attention-needy puppy, Lucy, and one hungry husband. Oh and I have cute little kittens that I love to play with and need milk! 

Oh, and I have 2 batches of cookies to make for holiday gifts to our customers but I will share a blog on that later (when it actually happens). I am exhausted, it is time for this milkmaid to go to bed and wake up for another day with my girls! (AKA- The Moo Moo Cows) 

Until next time!

The Milkmaid

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