Friday, September 19, 2014

Where Did Summer Go? Our Summer in a Picture Update of Sorts.

These past couple of months have been a very busy time on Patterson Family Farms.

We have:

  • Finished Wheat Harvest
  • Doubled Cropped many fields
  • Finished all of our Hay Work
  • Helped others Harvest
  • Finished Corn Harvest
  • Added and Subtracted Things from the Farm
  • Lots of Field Work
  • And a whole bunch more! 
So where should I begin?

Well this post is going to be a picture update and hopefully a few more blog posts to really explain what all is going on in these pictures later.

Here we go!

Josh overlooking the country 

On our new grain bin we built

Josh and AJ getting combines ready

Checking one of our pastures

We had kittens born! Actually several.. these are just at my house!

We tried new milkers... that is a story for another day... 

Wheat Harvest Came... and went... 

Field Work 

The twins were born.. and then we hit a dry spell...

AJ looking for a new calf and momma not really helping

First Alfalfa Cutting

More Swathing

Remember the Little Corn that Could? Well this is little corn mid summer... 

Double Cropping

Whole Soybean Seeds 

Cracked Soybean Seeds

Still Double Cropping

Our Sunflowers came up in the yard

Hauling Hay Home

AJ got his Dune Buggy running, so they took a break for a ride. 

Hubs and I went to the Kansas Biggest Rodeo in Phillipsburg

I made my first loaf of bread ever. 

Annabel (my cow) had her 3rd calf.. a little bull this year. 

Josh bought a sweet new tractor. 

We had 17 calves born in August and this was a feisty one. 

We had more twins born! 3 twins in one year! crazy! 

Checking Soybean Fields

Corn Harvest Came

We did get some rain... hoping for more!

More Corn!

And some more!

This is Tiny Tot. He has stolen my heart.
He was born pre-mature and only weighed about 30 pounds. 

Sunflowers to start a Monday morning

Taking a breather in the middle of corn harvest

Corn Harvest is over so why not bake? 

Hubs and I took a trip to the Tanganyika Zoo and fed the Rhino, Henry. 

That is just a brief view of a few of the things that happened over the summer. We worked but we also took some breaks. Everyone went on a small trip even if it was just 2 days and we were blessed to have some good corn fields this year and to be able to get our corn harvest done already. There are still many farmers with corn to harvest in our area and even more still in the North. By time our friends up in the Northern part of the state are ready to begin corn harvest, we will be starting Soybean Harvest and drilling wheat. This will begin next week or the following one for sure.

Sorry there isn't more detail to the pictures or what is really going on but in a farmers world and with more behind the scenes things going on this is the best update for now!

Happy Almost Fall!

The Milkmaid


  1. Hi Deanna,

    I am writing to ask permission to use one of your photos. I am working with a company on an online course for their employees about soybean management and we would like to use your image of cracked soybeans. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for consideration of this request. Rayda Krell, email:

  2. Hi Deanna,

    I am writing to ask permission to use one of your photos. I am working with a company on an online course for their employees about soybean management and we would like to use your image of cracked soybeans. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for consideration of this request. Rayda Krell, email:

    1. Yes, you may use that picture. Thank you for reaching out to me.
